Home / Fi-Shock A-54 Woven Wire Fence Stretcher

Fi-Shock A-54 Woven Wire Fence Stretcher

  • Detail

    Fi-Shock A-54 Stretcher Fence Wire 54in

    • Pulls fencing evenly and tightly
    • Eases installation of fencing wire
    • U-channel grips wire fence firmly
    • For field fences: 48 inches to 52 inches tall
    • For chain-link fences: 36 inches to 48 inches tall

    Fence stretchers woven wire lgth 54 inches This fence stretcher allows the fence to be pulled evenly and tightly. U-channel holds the wire fence firmly. Ideal for a 48 inches to 52 inches field fence or a chain link fence from 36 inches to 48 inches or many other electric fences. This fence stretcher allows the fence to be pulled evenly and tightly. U-channel holds the wire fence firmly. Ideal for a 48 inches to 52 inches field fence or a chain link fence from 36 inches to 48 inches or many other electric fences.

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